HappyFeet for Girls

She's All Girl

    Young girls are very social, loving and nurturing. Girls are naturally more team oriented and less  "head-to-head" competitive than boys. HappyFeet is a non-competitive program that offers a structured curriculum designed for maximum individual creative growth. HappyFeet challenges girls to focus on their own skill development. HappyFeet provides the opportunity to build great individual motor skills and work independently in a fun and exciting way. This healthy emphasis on personal achievement teaches girls a sense of personal power missing from most early childhood fitness programs.

    According to Kelly B. Cartwright, Ph.D. "Girls are judged by how they look, and boys are judged by what they do. We encourage independence and assertiveness in boys, but view assertiveness in girls as "unladylike."

    For girls confidence and self-belief is perhaps the most important positive of the HappyFeet approach. HappyFeet gives girls the ability to consistently improve which solidifies their self concept. Each child has their own ball throughout the session giving all kids, despite varying ability levels, the opportunity to succeed!

HappyFeet Approach & Benefits

    It is very important to help girls develop their self-concept and feelings of accomplishment. The HappyFeet curriculum consistently offers girls challenges or problems that require them to develop a creative solution. As girls progress through the curriculum they look at difficult tasks as something they can conquer rather than finding them discouraging. This carries over into a strong self-perception of capability and confidence. This leadership trait is what every good parent should want for their daughter.

    The establishment of personal excellence and independence is a major developmental component missing from most early childhood programs. This component is especially important for females because female genetics are geared towards conformity, nurture, sharing and protecting. Girls learn self-reliance and creative leadership through HappyFeet play. HappyFeet’s curriculum encourages them to develop a high self-concept and great personal power, plus physical skills such as coordination, balance & agility.

    “Children learn by doing. In order to raise confident, inquisitive girls, we must allow them to try new things and make their own mistakes." Girls' involvement in athletics is is proven to result in higher self-esteem." - Kelly B. Cartwright, Ph.D.

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